The fee for applying for recognition of a specialist qualification is SEK 2 900. Pay the application fee when you send in your application You can find the different specialities in Läkarnas specialiseringstjänstgöring – Målbeskrivningar 2015. If you would like to apply for recognition of your specialist qualification at the same time as you apply for your licence to practice as a doctor of medicine, you can send the necessary documentation at the same time as you send your licence application. Remember to save the application form before you start filling it out if you want to send the form by email, and please attach your scanned documents in PDF format. If you apply via application form you can send the application through the post or by e-mail. You apply by paying the fee, completing the web form or application form and sending it to us along with the required documents. The application form for recognition of a specialist qualification (pdf) sending in a completed application form and the required documents by post.